Embraced Evangelism
2808 Graham Rd
Conway, SC 29526
United States
ph: 843-365-6141
When You are in the valley it can be dark and lonely. Follow the shepherd and he will lead you into the light and rest.
The Love of GodLoves is the very attribute of God.Nothing can compare to his love and you can experience ii. It is for everyone who will accept it. Jesus has taken your punishment for you and you can be set free from what you are going through.Listen to what he has done for you.
Walk On A Journey With People Who Met Jesus Face To Face. See How It Changed Their Lives. When You Meet Jesus Your Life Will Change!
Dr.Jones shared this message the first time in 1976 when he answered the call as pastor of Langston Baptist Church. He retired after 29 years of service and moved into full time evangelism. He has now returned to fill an interim role while the church is in transition.This message is updated for this time of service.Listen as he lays out the vision The Lord has given him.
Maybe you are at the point where God is going to answer your request for blessings.Jacob wrestles with God and before he would let go he asked God to bless him.
The church that sticks together under the direction of the Holy Spirit cannot be broken. The Church that applies these principles will be a great church and have a great impact on their community.
Embraced Evangelism
2808 Graham Rd
Conway, SC 29526
United States
ph: 843-365-6141